14(+) years running

A history of the progression of health — largely from my perspective.

It is (obviously) not exhaustive — just the wavetops. The aim is to highlight modern industrial approaches to the acquisition of food, and decline in health that clearly aligns with it.

These efforts often begin benign (like, let’s keep us all from starving). But often we humans run the damn train right off the rails (we aren’t the best at the old due diligence). So we end up with an entire world built around a new idea without having any proof of concept except within our imaginations.

Anyway, for your entertainment value, I’ve also included one of my favorite film clips demonstrating the point. Jeff Goldblum, in this classic scene from Jurassic Park, portrays the rock star scientist schooling the giddy corporatist and his attorney over their novel dinosaur engineering and exploitation. He says it so much more eloquently and succinctly than I can. Sometimes you just need to stop and think if you should. Enjoy.