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back in the game?

Slept in. Then did my workout routine. Same, but with a little progression of reps. There was rain, and it was abating as the morning unfolded. Prepared my usual breakfast and added some Chobani yogurt and blueberries. Put on House of Cards (starting to wonder about this one ever ending), and then cleaned up the kitchen.

I pulled the Pixel Book out and was able to stomach (eventually) creating a "blog page" on Facebook. Reluctance does not even come light years to describing my angst and other allergic emotions to doing this. Alas, it was done, and I am still not certain it was a colossal mistake. 

Without any surprise, I got little attention at this move from the 31 "friends" on my FB. Nothing disparaging meant by the quotation marks on friends. I just know that they are mostly superficially in my life at this point (and I in theirs) but they are still friends nonetheless. So, it's alright. My expectations were low to start with.

The main point is that I spent a decent amount of time simplifying my "mythos health coach" site and branding, and am still deliberating on all my digital efforts. I tried Grist, and worked a little more with Appsheet today. Strangely, the one thing I have going in this sphere that is humming along is my work app for BuzzFREE. I use it every day and it looks promising.

I messaged my eldest, Benjamin, to get his opinion on security in Facebook. He was obviously busy as usual. That's expected lately for me, having grown kiddos.

So I did spend some time with Ty, my second eldest, who is living with me at home. He prepped his food ahead of the upcoming week. We talked about his work in the gym and the progress he's making in training. He's really sticking with it, and enjoys it a lot. I hope at least some of my coaching and health passions have rubbed off on him. 

Maybe, therefore, I'll make something of it after all. It will be slow, messy, and who knows? Worth it? Probably. You have to put that foot out the door to know.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to venturing out into the so-called "content creation" part of this. Know full well one thing: I am no expert or genius. I stand comfortably on the shoulders of all those, or better said, still learning at their feet. I intend to put them forth, and guide clients into their wisdom and smarts. I have had a few laps around the sun and have a somewhat developed bullshit detector (though not really world class). Maybe all this can save some people some time and shorten that learning curve a little. Probably not going to shorten anything, as I firmly believe there are no short cuts. But at least pointing them in the right direction is all we really need anyway, if we want something bad enough.

So it's good to be in the game. All I need now is consistency.

And, practicing what I preach. I hope to have some footage to pass on as an example of what I do in my life. The video in this post is one first effort. Got in a good ruck walk; really it was some running a few paces, and walking a few. You might call it segments or intervals. Had my 511 ruck sack with about 30 lbs on board, and my Go Ruck trainers. Put out some sweat. Felt good.

Good night, dear old building and loan. Signing off.


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