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on the bench

Up and after it this morning with my regular morning routine, which consisted of simple sets of resistance exercise, as always. 

I'm not hitting the road or the gym today, though. Neither will I tomorrow. Taking two days to rest from exercise in any intensity to prep for the labs Monday. I'm eating the same as usual, but refraining from exercise to see if that makes an impact on my AST and ALT enzyme levels. They've been high, though no other markers of liver damage are out of range. I suspect it's the training. We'll see.

Today came with a decent smattering of rain showers. Dustin, my tech for today, came in and ran service. I worked in the shop to prep for an upcoming installation. Then some office work.

Then, I broke out the strat and played some Steve Miller Band. Being Saturday I could crank it a bit. It's a little Marshall practice amp, and it's alright, but I'd have been happier with some slicker tones from my effects processor. But it's fun to crank out some riffs every once in a while, to limber the fingers and remember a little of what I used to be able to do. 


And so, my goal to find the best tool for logging all my stuff continues. I entertained again the ideas today of moving to another blogging platform, but alas, here we are. Back on Blogger. I tried Wix, and a couple others. But most are geared toward commerce, and none are significantly better than this product. The juice is nearly never worth the damn squeeze. So be it. I will stay with the evil I know than fly to those I know not of.

Some small efforts at hacking out (sculpting out) a guitar from one of my huge oak trunks happened later in the day. As did some small dent in the lawn mowing. So much rain lately has prevented it.

Food prep, baking the meats, and getting the avocados and honey mustard ready kept me busy as well. Along with the needed laundry work. All the time I kinda binged Gabrielle Lyon's podcast. Some great guests. Currently listening to the interview with Gary Taubes. Been a while since I've heard him speak.

Haven't heard much out of the family today.

And this, my friends, is how I spent my Saturday on the bench.

As Lex would say, "Goodbye my friends. I love you all."

And as I say, "Good night, dear old building and loan." Or is that Jimmy Stewart?


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